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The Level Up Program is an innovative program that provides its participants with professional development through workshops, and one-on-one coaching. This unique approach helps participants maximize their career development and professional success. The program also supports the development of cultural competencies in senior leaders of organizations who hope to enhance skills in leading Latinx professionals.

Learn more about the 2019 program, curriculum, and schedule.


This career coaching program is a scalable training program built on three integrated steps:

Pre-workshop preparation:

      • This pre-work provides each participant the context for the upcoming workshop and how it specifically connects to his/her current state and future professional aspirations.

Strategic professional development workshops:

      • Each workshop calls each participant into action through interactive lessons, discussions, and real-life practice exercises.

One-on-one professional development coaching:

      • Each participant will be assigned a senior level mentor who will provide ongoing professional enrichment through one-on-one individually tailored meetings.
      • At the completion of the program, participants are prepared to navigate the vast opportunities in the workforce. The enhancement of the individual’s self-awareness of their strengths, skills, and aptitudes positions them to make smarter decisions about their career.

Benefits to coachees include:

      • Creation of a clear pathway to success
      • Increase awareness and effectiveness of career management
      • Build recognition and understanding of skillset and use this understanding for their career advancement
      • Continued professional development to remain marketable in the ever-changing workforce

Benefits to organizations include:

      • Provide opportunities for local companies to identify talent
      • Explore the effectiveness of introducing formal coaching programs in their D&I efforts
      • Improve retention of diverse talent

2019 CURRICULUM **2020 Curriculum coming soon**

Workshop I: Don’t hold yourself back, move forward with confidence

Participants will learn about the research behind The Confidence Code and assess how lack of self-confidence is holding them back from career advancement.

Workshop II: Find your strengths, build your brand

Participants will take a strengths assessment prior to the workshop. With awareness of their strengths, participants will develop their professional branding.

Workshop III: How to grow talent

In this highly engaging workshop, participants will develop a deep understanding of the research behind Multipliers. They will learn how they can get more done with fewer resources, develop and attract talent, and cultivate new ideas.

Workshop IV: Culture Clash

Even seasoned, cosmopolitan managers often have oversimplified ideas about how people from other cultures operate. That’s because they tend to zero in on just one or two elements—communication, for example, or decision making. But culture is more complex than that. To get an accurate picture, you need to gauge cognitive, relational, and behavioral differences among the eight dimensions where cultural gaps are most common—and to assess yourself in those areas.


TBD:  Applications open 


TBD: Applications close

  1. Acceptance to participants
  2. Participants commitment confirmation due
  3. Kick-off and workshop I
  4. Workshop II
  5. Workshop III
  6. Workshop IV 
  7. Appreciation Breakfast @QTI 

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