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Join us!

We are Latinx and non-Latinx bound by a single purpose: to invest in Latinx Talent. We embrace the needs of Latinx professionals to develop leadership skills, advance their careers, engage in the community, and enhance their personal lives.

Membership Types And Benefits


$10/month (or save $20 and pay annually)

  • Free access to member socials and networking opportunities.
  • Discount to coaching program and master classes.
  • Discount to LPA signature events.
  • LPA eNews: Monthly member newsletter.
  • Access to LPA members through member online member application, engage and connect to LPA members.

*If payment is not renewed by the 15th of each month, the membership type will automatically change to the Colega membership. Members can re-activate their Visionario membership anytime.


$34/month ($25 monthly Investment Club fee + $9 monthly LPA membership fee)

  • Access to LPA Investment Club where you and others collectively trade stocks while learning how to be a better investors.
  • Free access to member socials and networking opportunities.
  • Discount to coaching program and master classes.
  • Discount to LPA signature events.
  • LPA eNews: Monthly member newsletter.
  • Access to LPA members through member online member application, engage and connect to LPA members.

*Club members are expected to remain within the club for a minimum of 12 months. Further details provided upon request.



  • Access to events, receptions, and other exciting programs.
  • Access to national signature events and programs.
  • LPA eNews: Monthly member newsletter.

*Must attend a minimum of two events in a 12-month rolling period to maintain membership. If the member, does not attend any events in a 12-month rolling period the membership will be suspended.

If your payment method changes at all, please let us know to avoid having your membership suspended. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach us at LPAmembership@lpamadison.org.

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Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software