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Conexiones I: Speed Coaching Luncheon - Canceled

  • March 25, 2020
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • American Family Institute 8th Floor 821 East Washington
  • 50


  • If you want to be coached, you are entry or mid level employee with questions about how to move your career forward.
  • If you want to be coached, you are entry or mid level employee with questions about how to move your career forward.
  • As a COACH you will share you career path and skills you have attained to be in your current leadership role.
  • As a COACH you will share you career path and skills you have attained to be in your current leadership role.

LPA Members, 

We are proud to partner with Downtown Madison, Inc. (DMI)  to connect senior level professionals with mid and entry level professionals. Participants will get one-on-one speed coaching and meet new professionals, all during lunch!

LPA and DMI will host three Conexiones Luncheons this year. We hope you take advantage of this opportunity as a coach or a coachee. 

Benefits to coachees include:

  • Clarity on what it requires to develop skills to aspire for management and leadership roles
  • Increase awareness and effectiveness of career management
  • Build recognition and understanding of skill set and use this understanding for their career advancement

Benefits to coaches and organizations include:

  • Provide opportunities for local companies to identify talent
  • Explore the effectiveness of introducing formal coaching programs in their EI&D efforts
  • Improve retention of diverse talent

LPA Visionario members enjoy complementary lunch! Bring yourself and the questions you always wanted to ask related to your professional career. 

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